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Haj & Umra Turkmenistan app for iPhone and iPad

4.0 ( 9920 ratings )
Developer: CodeGenix
Current version: 1.1, last update: 6 months ago
First release : 25 Jun 2024
App size: 3.25 Mb

Bu programma Haj we Umra barada düşündiriş.
Her ýyl dünýäniň dürli künjeklerinden millionlarça musulmanlar mukaddes zyýarat we Yslamyň bäşinji sütüni bolan haja gidýär.

Käbe häzirki Saud Arabystanynyň Mekke şäherinde ýerleşýär.
Yslam kalendaryň 12-nji aýy bolan mukaddes Zul Hijjah aýynda bolup geçýär.

Haj ruhy borjy we Yslamyň sütünidir, ýagny maddy, fiziki we emosional taýdan başarnykly bolsa, her bir musulman ömründe iň bolmanda bir gezek ýerine ýetirilmelidir. Allah tagalla ybadat etmek we Allah tagallanyň razyçylygyny gazanmak möhum bolup durýar.

Haj sabyrlylygyň we gylyk-häsiýetiň synagydyr - ruhy, duýgy we fiziki kynçylykdyr. Şeýle-de bolsa, musulmanlara ruhy keşbimizi täzelemäge, günälerimizi arassalamaga we Allaha ýakynlaşmaga mümkinçilik berilýär.

Muhammet aleýhyssalamyň aýdyşy ýaly:
Kim Allanyň razylygy üçin haj etse we hiç hili biabraý söz aýtmasa (söwüşmän) we erbet iş etmese, ejesinden täzeden dünýä inişi ýaly (günäsiz) bolup geler.
Hadys | Buhari we Musulman

Umra Saud Arabystanynyň Hejazi sebitinde ýerleşýän musulmanlar üçin iň mukaddes şäher bolan Mekgä Yslam zyýaratydyr we ýylyň dowamynda islendik wagtynda amala aşyrylyp bilner.

Umra iki esasy däp-dessurdan ybaratdyr, Tawaf we Saýy etmegi talap edýär. Tawaf Kaabanyň daşyndan ýedi gezek aýlanmaly. Ondan soň Saý ýöreýiş Safanyň we Marwanyň arasynda Hajar enemiziň ogly Ysmaýyl üçin suw gözländigini we doga-dileglerine jogap bermekde Allanyň rehim-şepagatyny ýatlamak üçin ýöreýişdir. Zyýaratçylar soňunda saçlaryny kiçeldip ýa-da doly syýryp tamamlaýarlar.

Şunyň bilen Haj we Umra musulmanlaryň Allah tagalla boýun bolmagyň subutnamasydyr.

Pyhamberimiz Muhammet aleýhyssalam ömründe bir gezek Haj we dört gezek Umra edýär.
Hadys | Buhari

This app is about Hajj and Umrah.
Each year, millions of Muslims from all across the world perform Hajj, the sacred pilgrimage and the fifth pillar of Islam.
Hajj takes place in Makkah, in modern day Saudi Arabia, during the holy month of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th month in the Islamic calendar.
Hajj is a spiritual duty and a pillar of Islam, meaning that Hajj must be performed by every Muslim at least once in their lifetime, so long as they are financially, physically, and emotionally able to do so. Going more than once during your lifetime is permitted whilst sincerely seeking Allah’s (SWT) (which means ‘The Most Glorified, The Most High) pleasure.

The Hajj is a test of patience and temperament – a spiritual, emotional, and physical challenge. However, it offers Muslims the opportunity to refresh our spiritual selves, to cleanse us of our sins and to draw closer to Allah

As Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah and does not utter any obscene speech or do any evil deed, will go back (free of sin) as his mother bore him.
Hadith Sahih Buhari and Muslim

The Umrah is an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest city for Muslims, located in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia. It can be undertaken at any time of the year.

Umrah requires Muslims to perform two key rituals, Tawaf and Sai. Tawaf is a circling round the Kaaba seven times. This is followed by Sai between Safa and Marwah in the Great Mosque of Mecca, which is a walk to commemorate Hajar’s search for water for her son Ismail and Allahs mercy in answering her prayers. Pilgrims conclude the pilgrimage with a partial or complete shortening of the hair.

However, both are demonstrations of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to Allah.

Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him performed in his life time 1 Haj and 4 times Umra.
Hadith Sahih Buhari